• 2024-07, our work on TADAR was accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2024! Congrats Xie!
  • 2024-07, Jiannan Wang from SJTU joined us for a summer research internship through the HKU CS Research Internship Programme. Welcome!
  • 2024-06, our research on statistical acoustic sensing was funded by RGC GRF!
  • 2024-06, Yina Wang from MIT joined our group for summer internship! Welcome!
  • 2024-06, two summer research interns, Jiahao Xu from UofToronto and Xiaoyuan Han from HKU, joined our group through the HKU Summer Research Program! Welcome!
  • 2024-05, our work QuERLoc: Towards Next-Generation Localization with Quantum-Enhanced Ranging (the first study on localization using quantum-enhanced ranging) is online! Check it out now!
  • 2024-05, Xie was awarded the Student Travel Grant for MobiSys 2024! Congrats and see you in Tokyo!
  • 2024-04, our paper RFBoost on Physical Data Augmentation was accepted by IMWUT and is open-sourced here. Congrats Weiying!
  • 2024-04, our demo on Statistical Acoustic Sensing for Respiration Monitoring and Presence Detection (a systematic extension of our VeCare work) was accepted by MobiSys 2024! Congrats Sheng, Ruiming, and Yuemin!
  • 2024-04, Chenshu delivered an Educational Short Course (as the lead presenter) on RF Sensing for Wireless AI Perception: Theories, Algorithms, and Applications, the first-of-its-kind course at ICASSP 2024!
  • 2024-04, our paper MuSAC was accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2024! Congratulations Sijie!
  • 2024-03, our work HARGPT was accepted by FMSys 2024 (workshop co-located with IEEE CPS-IoT Week 2024). Congrats Sijie and Xinzhe!
  • 2023-12, two papers (on Quantum TDoA localization and diabete adverse event prediction) got accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2024. Congrats Entong and Xinzhe!
  • 2024-01, our research on “Sensing in 6G Cellular Networks” (PC: Dr. Liang Liu from PolyU) was funded by RGC Young Collaborative Research Fund (YCRF)!
  • 2024-01, Sitong joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
  • 2023-09, Sijie joined HKU AIoT Lab as a postdoc researcher. Welcome!
  • 2023-09, Jiang-Tao joined HKU AIoT Lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
  • 2023-08, Entong (Year 2 UG at HKU) completed his Summer Research Program on quantum localization in our lab (co-supervised by Dr. Yuxiang Yang) and was awarded a conditional offer of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship in recognition of his outstanding performance!
  • 2023-05, our undergraduate RAs, Songlin and Haoyu, gave a Young Scholar TechTalk in InnoWing II – the very first one by undergraduates in the TechTalk series! Come join!
  • 2022-12, Chenshu is featured in the World’s Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University!
  • 2022-12, two papers VeCare and SLNet accepted by NSDI’23! Congrats Yi and Weiying!
  • 2022-09, our team was awarded the Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong) (part of the Healthy Longevity Global Competition founded by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine)!
  • 2022-09, kicked off our research project on cross-modality sensing with TCL!
  • 2022-08, three PhD students, Sheng Lyu, Xie Zhang, and Xinzhe Zhang, join our group! Welcome!
  • 2022-08, Chenshu was awarded the NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (2022年度國家優秀青年科學基金)!
  • 2022-08, our research was showcased in the Second Exhibition – Digitization of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two
  • 2022-07, Chenshu is recognized as one of the HKU Scholars ranked by Clarivate Analytics in the top 1% worldwide in 2022!
  • 2022-07, our undergraduate RA Haoyu Huang’s was awarded the “Dean’s Fund for Research Path Exploration”! Congrats!
  • 2022-07, HKU undergraduates, Haoyu Huang and Songlin Huang, join our team as summer interns. Welcome!
  • 2022-06, our research was funded by UGC/ECS!
  • 2022-06, Chenshu co-organized the first Wireless AI Perception Workshop at CVPR 2022. The workshop was a great success!
  • 2022-01, our team was awarded the “Dean’s Fund for Teaching & Learning Initiatives”.
  • 2021-12, HKU AIOT Lab homepage is online!
  • 2021-10, Yi Zhang and Ziyi Xu come to HKU AIOT Lab as visiting students!
  • 2021-09, Weiying Hou joins HKU AIOT Lab as a PhD Student.